The Doomsday List

(Note that this page hasn't been updated in a long time and will only be updated in the future through your comments.)

Throughout history, there have been those who have predicted the Coming of the End, the Consummation of All Things, the Return of Christ, Armageddon, Ragnarok, what-have-you. The majority of these seers and prognosticators were wise enough to leave the date unspecified, presumably to avoid embarrassment when the expected event failed to materialize. Others, such as Nostradamus and Bishop Ussher, put the date far into the future, long after their corporeal bodies had returned to dust.

There are those few brave souls, however, who are willing to stick their necks out, and give us a date in the near future, when they themselves will presumably still be around to either bask in the glow of glory, or suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, should the cosmic plan go awry. It is to these, the few, the brave and most importantly, the Web-enabled that this list is dedicated.

Date Author Event Status
January 1, 2000 Too many to mention The so-called "millenium bug" will result in a massive computer outage on 1/1/2000, caused by that fact that in the good old days of yore, many COBOL programmers decided to save a bit of memory by using only two digits to encode a year on date fields. Obviously, when "00" rolls around, these programs will think that it is January 1, 1900, and every algorithm that relies on a date sort routine will fail.

It should be noted that very few of the doom-and-gloom purveyors are actually programmers. Those of us (like your ever humble list maintainer) who are involved with these systems on a daily basis tend to suspect that while there may be widespread outages and related problems, the worst that will happen is that a whole host of unlucky nerds will have to pull several all-nighters in front of their terminals. But we will get it fixed.

Update (1/4/2000): I think it is fairly safe to say that this prediction has mercifully failed. Was it a case of over-hype, or timely solution? You decide. In the meantime, would anyone like 800 tins of Beanie-Weenies?

January 1, 2000 Gary North The founder of Christian Reconstruction has taken the y2k bug to a whole new level of hysteria. Gary is convinced that global economic chaos will result from a worldwide collapse of financial computer systems. Of course, the more cynical among us would note that North is famous for making equally hysterical, but inevitably false predictions in the past.

Update (1/4/2000): We still seem to be here and functioning. I filled up my car with gas, and paid with my credit card. Credit card processing seemed to be unaffected by Y2K. The complete collapse of civilization as we know it appears to have made little impact on the daily lives of the inhabitants of our planet. However, Gary seems to be holding out some hope that death and destruction will slowly creep upon us in the coming months.

I think not.

April 5, 2000 Michael Rood Almost missed this one. Michael updated his guess for Tishri 1, 6001 to April 5, 2000. This day "starts out with bloodshed, plagues, and all manner of pestilence".

Sounds like a pretty good description of the Nasdaq roller-coaster to me. Sigh.

May 5, 2000 Richard Noone The coming Ice disaster. Polar shifts. Global disaster. Or something... (May 5, 2000 is the date of the next Grand Conjunction, when the planets line up. Anyone remember 1982? The year of the last Grand Conjunction? When the world utterly failed to end?)

Update (5/6/00): To the complete surprise of almost no-one (except, possibly, Mr. Noone), the end of the world has once again failed to arrive as scheduled. To his credit, Richard did strongly pepper his recent articles with weasel-words like "potential" and "possibly", but one suspects that life has once again thrown a would-be Jeremiah the proverbial curve ball. Now all Richard has to do is figure out where those voices in his head really came from...

Update (6/18/00): An addendum on Noone's home page makes the insightful observation that "...most earth change activity has not affected high population areas...". It does point out that there have been earthquakes across the Pacific Rim, however. Golly gee. Earthquakes in the most active tectonic plates on the planet? Who woulda thunk it...

May 17, 2000 Rebecca Harrison Also known as St John (hey, why not?), this starry-eyed soothsayer presents a wealth of future unfolding. May 17, 2000, Jesus is scheduled to debut his presence here on EArth. (That is not a typo, by the way. All you classical lit buffs should know what it means. Think "Gilgamesh".) Then, in June of 2003, the final battle takes place. Jesus said "no man knows the day or hour", but apparently the month and year were not covered.

Also, there will be a forty day period of fasting from August 20 to September 30. You have been warned. (Finally, a use for all those Y2K canned meats!)

June 10, 2000 Ron Reese Based on an extremely trustworthy source (a "revelation") and some convoluted logic, Ron thinks that a "flood-like" event will occur on June 10. Before we dismiss this as yet another of Ron's ravings (he has graced this list before), we should point out that Bonnie Gaunt was able to confirm this revelation through the use of oh-so-trustworthy numerology. So there. Failed
June 11, 2000 Marilyn Agee Third time's the charm.

Update (6/18/2000) : Well, it seems that Marilyn's third date for the first rapture came and went with no obvious Heavenly fanfare. What of the future? Marilyn seems to think that the Church is currently in a 10-day waiting period, based on Rev 2:10. That means that June 20 should see the Rapture. This time for sure.

Update (6/25/2000) : A new note on Marilyn's front page reads as follows:

Messianic Rabbi Michael Rood [] announced today on the Prophecy Club that the corrected Solar Calendar proves that Shavuot begins this year on July 9th. This because the barley was 'Abib', green/ripe, on June 5th.

This makes Oct. 28th Tishri 1, 6001.

If his calculations are correct then the Pentecost Rapture may still occur this year.

So there.

Update (7/2/2000) : More stupid calendar tricks. Poor old Noah has been pressed into service yet again as a harbinger of the End. In a long and very confusing piece of eisegesis, Marilyn somehow arrives at Av 19 (Aug 20) as a possible date for the Rapture. Says Marilyn:

"I wonder if the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ will fly the dove (Bride) to her rest, Heaven, on Av 19 (Sunday, Aug. 20, 2000)?"

Uh...that would be a "no".

July 7, 2000 Robert Hallman Combining UFO's (don't trust those greys - they are "Satan's Soldiers"!), Nostradamus and Biblical prophecy, Robert arrives at a tentative date (or two) for the Rapture. Robert has also exposed the Antichrist for all to see.

Update (7/17/00): Most of Robert's pages are now gone, with the exception of a home page that sports a spiffy image of a morphing alien coupled with a rather pathetic poem. Still he admonishes us not to trust those greys. I intend to take him seriously. Alien cookout, anyone? Hmmm...tastes like chicken...

July 2000 Melody Mehta Drawing data from such prophetic heavyweights as Gordon Michael Scallion, Nostradamus and Mother Shipton, Melody thinks that Phobos, one of the moons of Mars, will be knocked out of orbit by a passing comet. Guess where it's going to land up?

Yup - it's metal helmet time, as several billion tons of rock come crashing down on us unsuspecting homo sapiens. And, with such remarkably accurate soothsayers on her side, how can Melody possibly fail to be wrong?

August 20, 2000 Ephraim Begin preparations for the Battle of Armageddon. Ephraim reinterprets the book of Daniel for the umpteenth time, and arrives at a timeline for the Last Days. Unfortunately, this timeline calls for the Rapture to occur in March of 2000. Oops.

Not to worry, our resourceful exegete points out that several events in this time period confirm his predictions. O ye of little faith...

Update (8/27/00): Well, the Battle of Armageddon remains as elusive as ever. Have no fear, however, as Ephraim remains convinced that September 30 will mark the beginning of the Great Tribulation, and October 22 the Rapture. (Cool! On my birthday, too...)

September 2, 2000 Jerry Grenough September 2 sees the end of the Jewish year 5760. Jerry also seems to think that this will be the absolute, final year of this present age. This conclusion is based on a number of impressive factors, but what sold it for me was the wonderful Bible Codes matrix that Jerry found. Oooh... Failed
September 6, 2000 Daniel Adam Millar The peace accord between Israel and Palestine on September 13, 1993 marked the beginning of the seven-year tribulation. On September 6, 2000, the Antichrist will proclaim himself God, and begin the battle of Armageddon. Failed
September 16-19, 2000 Phil Stone The Coastlands disaster. Phil sees all of Biblical history as a blueprint for the last days. The Gulf War, for example, was simply a replay of the story of Moses, substituting each year of the story for one day in modern times. Now that that's all clear, Phil sees the story of the Exodus as predicting a massive increase in the sea-level, resulting in catastrophic loss of life in the Summer of 2000.

Surf's up, dudes!

September 29, 2000 Love the Jew The End of the World will begin on Rosh Hashanah some year, most likely 2000. Failed
September 29, 2000 Michael Rood He's back. Michael believes that the accepted Hebrew calendar is all meshuga, and has kindly taken it upon himself to produce a corrected version. His version states that the seventh millenium actually began either on April 6, 2000 or May 5, 2000. (It depends on when his barley actually ripened. I kid you not.)

This means that he expects the invasion of God and Magog either at the end of September, 2000 or October 28, 2000.

September 30, 2000 Jim Bramlett Citing several erudite end-times scholars, one of whom is our own Marilyn Agee, Jim arrives at a window of 2004 - 2007 for the Second Coming. Citing a few more scholars and remarkable parallels, Jim tentatively points to Fall 2000 as the date of the Rapture.

One should also note that Jim has a page pointing to June 1, 2000 as a possible date for the Rapture, though he seems to be unsure about how seriously it should be taken, considering the source.

October 1, 2000 Byron Weeks The National ID Card system will be implemented on October 1st. President Clinton will declare martial law sometime in September or October, and the World Government will start rounding up the separatists and patriots. America will then be plunged into a nuclear war and desolated.

Looks like we won't have to worry about whom to vote for in November.

October 2000 Jim Searcy The return of Christ and the beginning of the Millenium. As a bonus, Jim also fingers the antichrist for us. I won't spoil the surprise, except to say that it should have been obvious all along... Failed
November 12, 2000 James van der Worp Okay, you're going to have to pay attention for this one.

James was suspicious of NASA's silence concerning comet 76P. Following a chain of what we will generously call reasoning, James visits Mother Shipton, Gordon-Michael Scallion and that old stalwart Nostradamaus, and decided that there is an outside chance that 76P could knock Phobos out of Mars orbit, and directly into the path of the Earth. He projects an impact date of November 12, 2000, although he seems to think that a more likely period would be sometime in October.

Whenever it hits, I, for one, intend to hold my umbrella up high.

November 17, 2000 David Zavitz Another eisegesis fan (look it up!), David sees the Oslo Accord of September 13, 1993 between President Arafat and the late President Rabin as the start of the seven-year tribulation countdown. Somehow, this means that November 17 of 2000 will see "Faith's big reward" (?), followed in short order by the resurrection of Daniel himself. Failed
2000 The House of Yahweh The beginning of the Great Tribulation. The last seven years of human history began on September 13, 1993. Presumably, the final war will then begin sometime about September 13, 2000. Failed
2000 William Zambrano The impact of Shoemaker-Levy on Jupiter signaled the start of the Seven-Year Tribulation. Failed
2000 Ammar Ali Khan The Muslims "Last Prophet" will appear to lead all the Faithful in a thirty-year battle against Satan's army. Failed
January 20, 2001 Lyn Mize Lyn's "understanding" of prophecy hints that the Rapture will occur before Saturday, and the Antichrist, none other than John F. Kennedy, will be revealed. This despite the somewhat awkward impediment of being very dead. Failed
April 16, 2001 Bill Singleton In a post on the Five Doves site, Bill presents what we can only assume was intended to be evidence for his position that the Rapture will occur on Easter Weekend, 2001. Bill has promised further posts, so stay tuned on this one. Failed
April 24, 2001 Lord's Witnesses Do you find yourself wondering whether the Bible Code is true or not? Well, me neither. But just in case, wonder no more. These nice folks have kindly figured out the True Bible Code for us. And is sure has some interesting things to say.

Apparently, the UN will take over the world sometime between March 26th and April 24th of 2001. No-one will be able to buy or sell anything without UN authority after May 2001. And a worldwide famine will begin by September of this same year.

Consider yourselves warned.

May 28, 2001 David Parker David, also known (for some reason) as CAPS, has latched onto the story of the Baptism of Fire in Acts 2, and somehow transformed it into a potential date for the Rapture at Pentecost of 2001. The "evidence" is listed in a post, followed by this one. Failed
May 28, 2001 Marilyn Agee While Marilyn is desperately taking pot-shots at a date for the Rapture, she has in the meantime decided on an appointment for the start of the Tribulation. This date should see the beginning of the ministry of the two end-time witnesses, as well as the unveiling of the Antichrist.

She notes that she expects the Rapture between now and the start of the Tribulation. Anyone want to take bets that this is going to come down to the wire?

Update (5/30/01) : Marilyn seems to be in her quiet phase right now. Traditionally, there will be a few days of utter silence from the Agee camp while she desperately tries to figure out why she is still here. This will be followed by the equally traditional "Monkey Throwing Darts at the Calendar" phase, after which she will announce that, in fact, the Rapture was actually scheduled for next year all along.

Go Marilyn!

Update (6/15/01) : The Monkey/Dart phase is now in full swing. Having already seen June 9/10 go whizzing by, Marilyn is (cautiously) pointing the marker to June 21. It is on this day, apparently, that the Moon will be New, and the Eclipse will be in Gemini, or somesuch. One can only hope that Jupiter aligns with Mars, and Peace guides the planets as well...

November 11, 2001 Bob Ware In a post that, for some reason, reminds me of a session of the Kevin Bacon Game gone hideously wrong, Bob repeatedly singles out the date of 11-22-01 as being somehow significant. The 22nd day of November is, of course, the anniversary of the assassination of JFK, an event that has provided more fodder for conspiracy theorists than a Freemason/Bilderberg convention at the Watergate Hotel.  
2001 Unarius The Pleiadeans land on Earth.  
2001 Jack van Impe 2001 will see the start of the Great Tribulation. Political chaos, natural disasters, nuclear war and the worldwide rise of Islam will usher in mankind's final hour.  
April 14, 2002 Mike Keller Pure, vintage kookery here. It appears that one-half second before midnight on April 14, 2002, the Doomsgate will open, Jesus will appear for his saints. Nuclear war will begin 45 days after this point, earth shifts and global cataclysms just before it.

At other points in this meandering, barely coherent diatribe, we are told that America will probably be under totalitarian rule before the end of Summer, 1999, and that Y2K (anyone remember that?) will signal the start of an inevitable slide into economic disaster. Seems that a few updates are called for.

17 October, 2004 Donna Danna
Clay Cantrell
You have to love this one. Clay based his estimate of the date for the Rapture on the dimensions of Noah's Ark (converted to inches), taking special note of the location of the "escape window", and followed by some esoteric calculation involving the rotation of sun through the sky. Barnum was only half right.

Update (2/22/01): Clay explains his "reasoning"...

2004 Watcher Ministries The Tribulation began in 1997, and Christ will return seven years later in 2004. All this is based on an analysis of the Great Pyramid of Giza.  
2005 Everett Vasek Everett believes that the Rapture will occur on the Jewish feast day of Rosh Hashanah, sometime between 1998, and October 4, 2005. He bases this date on the timing of the Jewish feasts, the upcoming Israeli peace treaty, and the possible length of a biblical generation being 14,000 days long.  
1999-2007 Thomas Chase Thomas has a number of predictions for this period. He foresees the arrival of the Antichrist sometime in 1999-2000, the approach of Cassini in August 1999 as a "holographic or parallel event" signaling a possible nuclear crisis in Russia, and Armageddon, another nuclear war, in 2007.  
1998-2012 Gordon-Michael Scallion All sorts of catastrophic earth changes. Global warming. Melting polar ice caps. Earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.  
Dec 21, 2012 Terence McKenna Terence utilizes something called Novelty Theory to arrive at the conclusion that something, he's not quite sure what, of momentous import will occur on Dec 21, 2012. The list of "somethings" include a hyperspatial breakthrough, planetesimal impact, alien contact or even a quasar ignition at the galactic core.

Sadly, Terence himself will not be around to see these dramatic events: he "relinquished his body" on April 3rd, 2000.

2012 Mayan Calendar The end of the "long count" calendar apparently signals the end of our age.  
2012 Kev Peacock Kev has a scientific explanation for the end of life as we know it in 2012 - a magnetic field reversal in our Sun will likewise cause a field reversal in the Earth, accompanied by massive geothermal and tectonic catastrophes. Along the way, Kev manages to include Atlantis, an Interplanetary Ark, and both Maya and Egyptian mythology.  

Other Lists of Predictions, Failed and Otherwise

It's the End of the World as We know It...Again Bite-size chunks of neatly skewered Millennial Madness. A have-to-see!
Joseph Smith as a Prophet - How good was the founder of the Mormon Church at predicting the future?
End of the World Predictions - Excellent list of past and future predictions from the Center for Religious Tolerance
Baha'i: Prophecy Fulfilled Homepage - a list of prophecies related to the coming of Baha'u'llah from various traditions

Related Links

When Time Shall be no More - Paul Boyer's excellent book on the influence of prophecy on modern American culture.
The Center for Millenial Studies
Confused about the Rapture? Can't tell your pre-trib from your post-trib? Check out the lightning guide to Biblical Eschatology

The Book of Daniel

A very fruitful book for would-be prophets and seers, this old testament document has puzzled believers for centuries. But what does it really say? Is there a simple answer to it's many mysteries? As it happens, the answer is yes. If we understand the book in its historical context, the meaning becomes crystal clear. These links will help to clarify the writings of Daniel.

Revealing Daniel
Beasts, Horns and the Antichrist - Daniel: A Blueprint of the Last Days?

The Book of Revelation

As popular as the book of Daniel among futurists, the New Testament book of Revelation has been a fruitful source of end-time speculation. What does the book really mean? Could it be that, like Daniel, the book does not fortell the future, but instead records the past?

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