Quotes that just might cause one 2think

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The three above pages list quotes in no particular order. If you are looking for a quote from a particular person perhaps the index below, arranged in alphabetical order, will be of use.

Douglas Adams - Herbert Agar - Ethan Allen - Jean Anouilh - Arthur - Edward H. Ashment - Isaac Asimov

Dan Barker - Clara Barton - Cardinal Bellarmine - Marie Henri Beyle - John Bledsoe - Derek Bok - Ludwig Borne - Nathaniel Branden - Sam Brannan - J.S. Bullion, Jr.

Herb Caen - Celsus - William Channing - G. K. Chesterton - Forrest Church - Arthur C. Clarke - W. K. Clifford - Chapman Cohen - Michael Crichton

Charles Darwin - Michel E. de Montaigne - Rene Descartes - Adrian Desmond - Miguel de Unamuno - John Dewey - Philip K. Dick - Annie Dillard - George Dorsey - John W. Draper

Umberto Eco - Thomas Edison - Albert Einstein - T. S. Eliot - Ralph Waldo Emerson - Epicurus - Susan Ertz

Richard P. Feynman - George W. Foote - Roger Fouts - Benjamin Franklin - Sigmund Freud - Margaret Fuller

Galileo - Joseph Goebbels - Goethe - Stephen Jay Gould - Graham Greene

Jack Handey - B. Carmon Hardy - Erich Harth - Van Harvey - Robert Heinlein - Hal Hellman - John Herschel - Eric Hoffer - David Hume - Thomas Huxley

Robert Ingersoll

Thomas Jefferson - James Hervey Johnson

Edwin Land - Abraham Lincoln - Arnold Lunn

Angus MacLean - Christopher Marlowe - Margaret Mead - H. L. Mencken - Delos B. McKown - Sterling M. McMurrin - Don Morgan

Friedrich Nietzsche

Thomas Paine

Ayn Rand - Lizette Reese - Robert D. Richardson - Carl Rogers - Rollenhagen - Bertrand Russell

Carl Safina - Carl Sagan - George Santayana - Seneca - George Bernard Shaw - Michael Shermer - Solomon Skink - J. J. C. Smart - Charles Smith - George H. Smith - sources unknown - Gordon Stein - John Steinbeck - Gloria Steinem - Howard Stern - Adlai Stevenson - Lionel Strachey

Edward Taylor - Richard Taylor - Charles Templeton - Tertullian - Ivan Turgenev - Mark Twain

Voltaire - J.H. von Dullinger

Additional quotes can also be found on many of the book review pages indexed through the links below.

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